2023- Albritton Tower

Type: Ornaments
Price: $25.00


Designed by local Aggie artist, Dr. Dary Dega of Degallery Art Gallery and Studio (degallery.us), this year’s Christmas in Aggieland ornament features one of the tallest buildings on the Texas A&M University campus: Albritton Bell Tower. Standing at 138 feet tall, it marks the original entrance to the University campus, at the intersection of Old Main Drive, Jones and Lamar Streets.

The Tower’s inscription pays tribute to all past, present and future Aggies:

I ring
With pride and honor
For all past, present, and future
Students of
Texas A&M University

How many generations of Aggies have glanced at the Tower’s clock furtively, rushing between classes? And how many hearts have been united in The Spirit of Aggieland played on Albritton Bell Tower’s Carillon bells?
To all past, present and future Aggies enjoying this ornament, we thank you for your support helping us make Aggieland a better place for children and adults with disabilities.

Enjoy your 2023 Christmas in Aggieland ornament, Merry Christmas and Gig ‘em!